Last year, we posted an article discussing a new decision by the Colorado Supreme Court affording
If your child is struggling in school, they may be eligible for special education services through the school
Constantly stressed by your parenting plan? It may be time to modify
Juvenile delinquency convictions have long-lasting consequences! When your child is charged with
Your child’s Individualized Education Program’s (IEP) purpose is to provide educational services to put
4 ways to win over your child’s IEP team and reduce costs of working with an attorney without sacrificing
Parents, have you scheduled your child’s annual Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting
Jonathon Carlson received the George Holley outstanding young lawyer award by the 1st JD Bar Association
Does my child need a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Programs
By Federal law, all children educated in the United States are entitled to receive a benefit from that